The hottest question on the Internet these days is “how do I make money online?” Well, that is a really tough question to answer in just a single article. The reason is that there are probably a million ways to make money online and the methods continue to grow and grow.
The “dot com boom” in the early 90’s and the subsequent crash was a major concern for many people which prevented them from entering the internet marketing field. But when you come to look at the people who actually make money online, it becomes apparent that the quitters really missed out on huge opportunities.
To be honest with you, making money off the internet is never easy and there is no get quick rich scheme. There are dedicated courses (check out Blogrankseo From Planning to Earning course) available to give you the resources and knowledge needed to actually make money.
But that’s all general information for how to do it. How many of those courses and guides tell you why to do it? The internet is an excellent medium to make money on, but some just lack the important mindset to do it, despite how much they actually know about the topic.
But why choose the internet? Blogging? I can’t stress enough how hard it is to actually make a decent living off of the internet, but is it something to pass up? Absolutely not! The internet has plenty of potentials to make you a living, you just need to take advantage of that potential.
No Money? No Problem
Consider yourself starting a brick and mortar business. Such a business would mean serious start-up investment, personal attention, taxes, record keeping, etc. etc. Not everyone can and are fit to start a local business. The main problem many people face is getting their hands on the startup funding. You can also depend on loans from banks, but how confident are you of your business start-up?
But when it comes to the internet, the scenario is completely different. One business you need little or no investment is an online business. There will be costs related to web hosting and such if you plan to go the professional route, but there are opportunities to start-up free as well.
But going back to my point, the internet business model is the perfect method for making some quick cash with the minimum investment of money.
The Learning Curve is there
If you are the kind of person always looking out to learn some new things, then the internet business is the right kind of business for you. With that attitude, you will make money for sure and I am 100% confident in that. When I started out I had a lot of confidence that I can win and I took the time to learn the facts even though it occurred to me pretty late.
Making money Online from the net is something which will include a learning curve. You will come across a lot of opportunities and each of these opportunities will spawn another opportunity. I’ve learned many things, and even like to think my knowledge in topics such as search engine optimization and internet marketing, in general, has increased.
Those are two topics that I was passionate about, wanted to learn about, and just did. All because I wanted to.
It takes a bit of time to get you off the ground and so patience is absolutely necessary. There is no shortcut to success, and definitely no short route to making money from the internet either.
You are Your Own Boss
This is my favorite part. Making money online does have its merits like having no one one to answer to but yourself. No fixed work hours, complete freedom to implement your ideas, the ability to decide what business to do, and I can just go on and on.
These are all particularly helpful when it comes to making money online a side business. Given that you have total control over what lies ahead does not mean that you have the entire world to yourself. There are limitations such as:
- You choose to be lazy
- get stuck at some point in time
- give up too soon
These are only some of the factors and hence you need to have a mentor who can guide you. I will touch on this topic soon enough, but for the time being, realize that with every opportunity there arises a threat.
Make Money While You Sleep
This is not a scam heading, but a reality. The one advantage people value most in internet Network marketing and making money online is the ability to rake in money even when you sleep.
This happens according to how wide your audience is, and how well your blog targets the readers and gets them to spend money (which makes you money). That’s like having your local business open 24/7. You may have an e-commerce store and people can buy a product at any time and from any place in the world.
That is like having outlets in each corner of the world; each corner of everyone’s house! If you are too serious into making money online then you can add customer care executives to whom your clients can converse effectively. It will be much cheaper and efficient than having 20 sales representatives out there.
Do Multiple Promotions
You can choose to promote multiple products and earn money online via various income streams. There is no need to be limited to a single product or a range of related products.
Unlike local start-up businesses you have limits to which you can promote something. If you have a pet store it would be pretty misleading if someone walked in to find you selling bed sheets. So you would need another store to promote that product.
On the internet, you either rack up an e-commerce store with everything or just start different websites to promote different products. That is how easy it is. But mind you that the start is easy, it’s what happens after that’s tricky. You need to commit yourself to making money online just like you commit to your local business.
What is the Future Like?
The future is looking bright and no time is too late to start. Start now and do not wait. Here is what Shoemoney, one of the famous bloggers I respect has to say about the future of marketing
- Internet traffic is expected to double over the next five years
- 60% of this traffic will be made of consumers (That’s 340 million people!!!)
- Over 80% of the consumers do at least some shopping (WOW!!!)
So do you want to just wait or jump-start ahead of the people who wait to see others make money from the internet? Start an online business and become your own boss NOW.
About the author:
Muhammad Tabish is a 25-year-old blogger and designer behind BlogRankSEO . He is living in Pakistan and is the owner of . For more tips and trick about SEO, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, WordPress, and Make Money Online visit his site
Very poignant post right now as many people struggle to make ends meet and look for alternative ways to earn an income. I have been online since 2009 and have seen many people try to make money quickly, fail and so disappear. It does take determination and dedication, you have to keep at it, you have to discover what works for you because not everything is good for everyone.
Enjoy the journey!
Hi Mandy,
you are right; it is not like many think.
It needs patients and work. Good if one
has a passion and can use the skills he has,
this keeps more dedicated. It is true
many do quit and disappear again.
Thank you
Yes, Mandy Allen I fully agreed with you and Erika Mohssen-Beyk.
It takes time and patients.
Very nice article Tabish those post included alternative source I like very well.
But here I want to speak about this blog design! Yes, the simple but very user-friendly design. Having a user-friendly blog design is very important in the blogging because it is a very first impact on visitors.
Hi Ali,
nice to see you here.
You are right a user-friendly blog design is also important.
These days we see blogs with too many adds, which often makes reading the actual content difficult
I think less is better.
Thanks for your comment
Hi Muhammad
You are so right that there are many methods to make money online and the internet has made the business playing field open to everyone. Thanks for this awesome reminder. Have a wonderful week. Take care
Hi Ikechi,
I think the internet gives a lot of opportunities to make money.
It is like Muhammad mentioned a need to learning the right ways.
I think in the future more people will earn their living in the
Thank you for your comment
Hi ikechi,
Thank you so much for a nice comment.
Enjoyed your article! I first began working online out of necessity. I lived in Hawaii and my client base was spread across 4 Islands and flying inter-island is surprisingly expensive. So I started my first blog just to provide some training for my clients and it went over so well that I continued to spread out and eventually found myself with clients all over the world, so I agree that the opportunity is definitely there. Thanks for the inspiration and tips, wishing you a Happy New Year!
Hi Marquita,
your experience is one excellent example how the internet can help today to have a global business.
Thank you for your comment.
Have a successful year 2017
Happy New Year!
An online business is definitely the way to go if you’re on a shoestring budget. And because it’s such a low cost to start the financial risk and burden is manageable. Brick and mortar stores are still a good option but better suited for when you have more money to work with. I had no clue about those stats but they look great. All the more reason to consider it.
Hi Lea,
you are right it is much easier and low cost to start a business online.
To start a shop, for example, needs investment and the right place. I started
once a shop in my back yard and had success, but this is very rare one need to
be really competent and give good service. Online, it is possible to
start slowly with only an internet connection. The stats Muhammad did give us
in his post make hopeful.
Thank you for your comment
Have a successful year 2017
Hi Lea,
Of course!
It is very easy and very low time-consuming business to adopt.
Thank you for your feedback
Have a successful year 2017
Hey Tabish,
Starting a blog can be a solid way to make long-term income just for doing some writing on stuff we actually like and care about. We are not going to make any money from our blog if people don’t read it.
After all, our readers are the ones who are going to help in making money for us, whether they’re clicking on our ads or buying our products. We need to always put our readers first.
Developing a successful blog has a lot to do with building relationships. That can include relationships with sponsors, affiliate partners, or simply other bloggers who will direct traffic to our blog.
We have to be sure some of our time is spent on forums and other blogs to build these relationships and our blog. Our goal is to help people who are really serious about building a real online business because we can make a little or a lot of money. Eventually, thanks for reveling a light on this topic.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Yes, we need to always put our readers first.
Indeed, a relation is the only thing that can bring more and more success to us through our blogging.
And, forums are a very lovely source of building a real online business while building reaL relation with readers through giving answers to their question and solving their problems.
Hey Tabish,
It’s good to see you here.
People are jumping in the online business and it’s really good to know that everyone is happy. Being our own boss is the best thing. You can do anything you want.
Many people are setting up their home business.
With your kind gesture, you can build a strong connection with everyone.
Spread it and make money blogging.
Hello My Sweet Brother, Ravi,
Thank you so much for a kind feedback!
Hey Muhammad,
The one thing that you mentioned that drove me to do internet marketing was the little to no cost compared to a brick and mortar business. Especially with advertising. Paid advertising is a lot affordable to the average person as opposed to offline marketing strategies.
Great post! Have a great rest of the week!
Hi Sherman,
nice to see you again here.
I think you did well. Starting an offline business is not easy in
our time and needs investment and if it does not work out all is gone.
I saw many starting and after a while closing again. The thought of
the next rent and bills for the business brings so much pressure that business owners lose their right attitude, and the customers feel it, which makes it worse. Online it is possible to learn and change things without this significant losing investments.
Thank you for your comment.
Have a prosperous 2017
Hello Sherman Sir,
Glad You Like it! Yeah! You are right on your side too.
Very informative post at the right time, as most of them, are look and struggling for alternative income. Though there are alternative are available, but all need the trusted option.any people will work for the time being and earn income, but won’t lasts forever. They will go off soon. So finding an everlasting choice is a trick. Online business is a good thing only; the initial investment is small, but the hard work and determination we need to put on this are very significant. An excellent post to spread.
Yes, Sathish,
many people look today for an alternative income.
The internet is an affordable way to try to make
a living. As Muhammad did write, it is not a fast
make money scheme, but with dedication it is possible.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing some excellent advice Muhammad!
What you have shared is some extremely practical advice.
Most people seem to forget or overlook,
you either work extremely hard for someone else, or
you can work extremely hard for your own benefit.
There’s no question, online marketing, offers a world of potentially profitable opportunities!
And like you pointed out, the initial upfront cash outlays, are a whole lot less, than
95% of your offline, traditional business opportunity start ups!Thanks!
Hi Mark,
it is right Muhammad did give practical advice.
Online marketing has a lot of potentials, and I think
it is good to learn it and make it a business for the future.
Good, it does not need a significant investment.
Hard work is always required to make a business
Thank you for your thoughts on this article.
Great article.I caught more information about online money making.thanks for the valuable article.
Hi Nishad,
I am glad you liked the article. Muhammad did write a good post and the truth.
Thank for your vidsit.
Thank you so much buddy, for appreciating.
Wonderful guest post from Muhammad, Erika! Great tips for how to make money online
Thanks for sharing!!
Hi Joan,
yes, Muhammad did write a good and truthful post
and shows that the future for making money online
looks promising.
Thank you for your comment
Thanks a lot, mam!
Your words making me more excellent to write more and more.
I agree fully that the future is bright. I also really enjoyed reading through many of these tips and look forward to bringing them into the future.
Hi Elise,
I do not know why this time your comment landed in the spam folder, did you change something?
I think we all can agree that the future of online marketing looks promising.
Good for the younger generation and maybe for the environment as well, if they do not
have to get out by car every morning. Good if they start learning the right
way of this business and take dedicated action.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Tabish,
What a wonderful article. I especially like the fact that we CAN make money when we sleep. As long as systems are in place and we are doing our due diligence.
But being your own boss isn’t as easy as one may think. We have to have a genuine love for what we are doing, especially for others. We also have to have discipline, especially with time management.
Hi Donna,
You say it excellent. It is possible, but not as many are thinking.
And you always write about in your articles.
Earning money when we sleep first needs hard work and sure love
for what we do and discipline.
Thank you for your comment
I very glad that you like the article.
Yeah, I always like the way first that saves time and brings money too when I rest.
Yes, of course! Without patience being own boss is very difficult, because this job is not that easy.
Hello Erika, Nice meeting Muhammad here today, I really enjoyed his article! Anything is possible, but first you need to take the FIRST STEP!! Great Share.. Thank YOU Chery
Hi Chery,
You are right all starts with taking the first step.
You did write very well about it too.
Nothing is working overnight it needs dedication.
But he is right, there are lots of possibilities
and it looks promising for the future.
Thank you for your comment
Yes, mam. You are totally correct all we have to take the first step which is in our under control.
Thanks to read and say such kinds words about the article.
Hi Erika and Tabish
So good to see you here as I saw you several on Facebook with your amazing shares.
You are right future of online business is brighter and right now it is in fast transition. Ease is the basic desire of people for doing any kind of work. So they would try to get solution of their all problems sitting at home and half of the solutions they already are getting through it.
Earlier the basic booster of growth in online business was thirst of knowledge that widened the scope of knowledge economy and now people want their all needs be met while staying home and this has grown the business of online marketing and e-commerce.
Many thanks for sharing this very informative post on Erika’s blog.
Have a great rest of the week.
Hi Mi Muba,
nice to see you here.
You are right, the future of working online and working from home looks bright.
More and more people first look in the internet if they want something and get
information there. It will be a good way for many especially young people to earn
a living. But it needs learning and work like all other business as well.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
See you on the web
Hi Mi Muba,
Thanks a lot for such sort of feedback that not only always help to determine the system performance but also motivation from such being like you.
Not easy to make money online as everyone is fighting for it, right?
Hi Jayce,
what is easy? do we not fight our whole life?
But where there is a will, there is a way
What about you? what is your fight?
Everyone of us fighting for anything we want to but when it comes to blogging or any kind of online money making source there is no such kind of saturation because the population is increasing with time so we are getting more head.
In the Internet Marketing, it depends on what niche you are running and how much competition it has.
Hello, Muhammad Tabish and Erika:
I know making money online is often advertised as happening quickly and you can be financially free in a couple of weeks. That’s why information like this is so important for people contemplating an online business. It’s really quite complex and you shouldn’t rush into it.
Research is definitely key! You have to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, what kind of budget you can work with, what you are passionate about, and what you might need to outsource.
Ultimately, it is as you say here. Everything is possible and it’s up to the individual to make it happen! It’s definitely doable, you just have to be very determined and persistent, then you’ll get there!
Hi Deborah,
you are right; often the advertisement is making people think of fast and easy money.
It is true it needs passion, and everybody should consider if it is what they love or is it only because they believe it is quick money. If one has a passion and can bring it to the world with online marketing, it is possible because there are more determination and love behind it to make it work even it may not be overnight. You say it right it is doable.
Thank you for adding your thoughts it always helps to see different views.
All the best
Hi Deborah,
Yes, planning (research) is the very first thing in every sort of job important for getting success. And, when it comes to business it is very necessary to know what are the weaknesses and strengths of a particular job.
It is clear in 2017 that Internet is the best place to launch a serious career in digital marketing and many other areas. Rather than considering it as passive income, I think one can seriously make money working full time by starting online business. Thanks for this write up.
Yes Santanu, you are thinking absolutely right! The Internet is the best place to launch a serious career in digital marketing.
Thank you so much for your feedback. Your words have to value us.
Hi Tabish, Great article…I have the habit of learning new things and yes the urge to do something new is really good as interest is the another key to success…Thanks for sharing.
@sazia kazia,
Thank you so much for a kind feedback. Your words have to value me.
Erika, when I first started online, I had no expenses, other than the laptop I purchased.
I began on a free blogging platform,
After a year of writing posts (many which hit the first page of Google!), I made the move to a self-hosted blog. My webhosting costs were the only expense I had.
By this time, I was freelancing.
Then I published a book.
Then I helped a blind man publish a book.
By this time, I had registered Wording Well as a business. So I had to pay a registration fee.
To this day, I try to keep my costs down while increasing my revenue streams.
I am living proof that you can literally start with nothing and build a successful business online! Of course, it takes hard work, dedication, and an enormous amount of time, but IT CAN BE DONE.
I did. it.
Now, the sky’s the limit!
Hi Lorraine,
yes, it is great how you did, and you prove that it works.
The important thing is to work hard and stay with it, it takes time.
Most people give up because they think it is fast and easy.
But if one really has the passion and love for this job he will
keep going and we see you are an example, it works.
Keep it up and all the best
Thank you
Hi Erika and Muhammad,
Nice points. And the present and future are bright!
I spoke to people at a car dealership here in the US a few months back. They had no idea you could make money online. Sometimes we assume that most people offline know about blogging and online businesses but you’d be shocked at how few people know about MMO, which again, presents all of us with an incredible opportunity to spread love and to help folks.
Thanks much.
Hi Ryan,

You are right, many still do not know about this amazing opportunity
and all the possibilities of the online world. We are the pioneers
The future is sure bright and we can be grateful to be a part of the
change this will bring to the world. We are part a world wide web
Thank you for your comment
Very great article, thanks Erika.
You are welcome, glad you liked it.
Yeah you said that right. This blogging thing is what you need not huge investment for.
I never needed more than a few bucks from my parents. Just started it off from a small part of my salary and now It is paying me good.
Although, I have to scale it up so that I can multiply it. Now it is going to be a BIGGER in future as I am back on my website.
Hi Vashishtha, yes, your comment landed in spam.
Great you could make blogging work for you and I am sure it only can get better.
Thank you for your comment
to your success
Making money online is a trending subject now a days. Most of the people are preferring to work from home and blogging is indeed their choice of making money.
Hi Nick ,
You are right making money online is trending and with passion and dedication, it will work for many.
As Tabish did write there is growth for online marketing. It is a good opportunity to work and being your own boss.
Thanks for your visit and comment
Hi Erika,
Yes, we really can make money online but not in that simple way with a simple formula. We really have to jump in and get involved. We have to learn the ropes, discover what works and what doesn’t work, invest in training and coaches, collaborate with others, and then discover our own unique niche and potentials. It is exciting, often overwhelming, sometimes frustrating – but it can also be lucrative, exciting and life changing.
Dr. Erica
Hi, Dr.Erica,
nice to see you back.
You are right there is no simple formula for making money online.
But it is possible. The time is changing and there are more and
more people using the internet. More opportunities will show up and
hopefully, the next generation will have it easier.
Thank you for telling about your experience and thoughts.
Hello `Erika,
More Interesting article. Done a wonderful job by reading your article.
Cool idea to move on.
Thank you for sharing this post.
Arumugam Rangasamy,
thank you for visiting.
Tabish did explain very nice why it is
good to work and make money in the internet.
It is a growing Market and has a lot of possibilities.
Thanks for your comment
really good and informative post!…
Thank you
I was attracted with the prospect making money from the internet. Search engine optimisation professional is most highly in demand. But I lacked patience… You are right it’s not easy, you need to learn and implement. Blogging and making money is hard too, you have to build up your audience and write good engaging content for your blog to have life and engage audience… but there are people who make money having ads in their blog toos etc…but I am even that is hard work. Nice article.
Hi Stefina,
everything worthwhile needs work and learning.
I am glad you liked the article and wish you success with your work.
Great Tips! Such a great information.
I agree with you that “making money off the internet is never easy and there is no get quick rich scheme.” I have always been facing problems with Making Money Online and was trying to hire someone to help me.
The way you have stated everything above is quite awesome. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Hi Stefan,
I am glad that you agree with the post of my friend Muhammad Tabish.
There are also groups and people who provide help. It needs patience and time to make it work
I am happy you liked the article.
Thank you for your comment,
Hy great article Indeed. Thanks for such tipe to make money online. Ill follow what you have said.
I am glad you likes Muhammads article and hope it is useful for you .
Thank you
Thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing good information
Brilliant tips with some wise information! These tips are really helpful to follow for earning money from the internet. I am going to bookmark the site for further assistance. Keep posting things like this and people will get a lot of help from this kind of posting.
“The Learning Curve is there” is the most valuable one to learn these words as mentioned above in detail. I appreciate the reading and the list too. I hope people will learn something new through this posting. Thank you so much!