Fear Is Increasing – How To Handle It

 How can you deal with the increasing fear?
Fear is increasing more and more these days, and many are in survival mode.

Many people suffer from the fear of viruses and their existence, especially since the time of lockdown and the Plandemic. The world is changing fast, and many feel it is becoming more challenging to keep […]

By |May 21st, 2023|8 Comments

Do You Think or Panic?

Think or Panic!!
What is the reason that people either think or panic? Observing people’s reactions in this crisis time, I can feel and see the why. There are people who do the inner work and are calm and able to think. But the majority, in my opinion, lost the connection to the nature of life. […]

By |September 30th, 2021|4 Comments

How to Frame Fear

Can you Frame Fear?
What does it mean to frame fear? Many are paralyzed by fear and do not realize that it is created in the mind. If we look around us and live in the present, we can see it is an illusion, the imagination of situations that may never happen. If you are unable […]

By |December 12th, 2020|1 Comment