Why Is Most Happiness Not Really Happiness?

What is True Happiness?
Maybe what people are looking for in pursuing true happiness is the state of bliss that is impossible to find in the external world? The joy that we can see in children, which is our natural state of being.

Yogic philosophy calls it Sat Chit Ananda, meaning unchangeable consciousness that never suffers or […]

By |September 16th, 2021|8 Comments

3 Proven Ways To Boost Your Productivity

How to boost your Productivity?
Romil Rambhad will help you to learn how to boost your productivity in this guest post.

These days it is not easy to focus on the work we need to do. There is much disturbing news, not only for people who watch TV but it is also the social media that keep […]

By |April 8th, 2021|20 Comments

How To Forgive Release Resentment And Be In Peace

How to get rid of resentments and forgive?
“I will never forgive you!” Maybe you have never said these words, but when someone seriously harmed or offended you, it came to your mind. You feel how much it hurts to hold on. It is a little self-compassion to feel this way, but it is not in […]

By |February 21st, 2020|9 Comments

Not Happy? How To Activate Your Happiness Hormones

Do you like to learn how to Activate your Happiness Hormones?
What are happiness, hormones, and how to activate them? If you are sometimes unhappy or depressed, it is good to know how you can activate them.


Chocolate makes you happy. Almost every person with a sweet tooth has already used this argument. But why does chocolate […]

By |January 23rd, 2020|8 Comments

Want a Better Life ? Here is The Guide to Life Transformation

Is there a key, a guide to life transformation? What inspired Romil to write?
This post is about the Book of a young friend of mine Romil Ganpat Rambhad. I asked him a few questions which he answers here.

In our time many young people have challenges in life. Especially the eastern youth, because the traditions are […]

By |October 25th, 2019|4 Comments