God Is In Us – Finding God In The Park

Finding God in us – Today I came across a really beautiful story. My intention was to write about Elephants 🙂
But I leave it for next time because this is a heartwarming story, and I thought my comment authors might like it.

Did we not all experience a time when we felt the god within? Often, […]

By |March 1st, 2016|37 Comments

Where does Valentine’s Day Come From ?

Where is it coming from our Valentine’s Day?
Everywhere people celebrate Valentine’s Day, but not many know where it is coming from. It is a day to remember Love, especially for lovers but also for couples and friends. It is basically a beautiful thought; even these days, it seems to be more commercial.
Here is the story […]

By |February 13th, 2016|33 Comments

The Loving Kindness Meditation – A Gift

Today I have a nice story and a gift for you.
A while ago, I did write about forgiveness; here is the post >  Forgiveness  – The Key To Happiness?

I know for many, it is not really easy to forgive,
I have a nice story for you and a beautiful way, a Gift, to make it easier to […]

By |May 25th, 2015|23 Comments

Be Kind To Yourself Because You Deserve To Feel Good

Do you know how important it is to be kind to yourself?
Or do you feel uncomfortable with being kind to yourself and think it is silly or childish?
Do you realize that being kind to yourself is the best thing you can do
for yourself?

When you are thinking during the day, you may not be very kind […]

By |February 13th, 2015|12 Comments