2 Odd Time Traits Infecting Humanity

What is infecting humanity? Is it an illusion? Is it delusion?
Are you infected by one of the time traits?  In this guest post, our friend Ryan Biddulph will tell us what he means is infecting humanity other than the famous virus. Let’s read about his thoughts about this time traits.

Thank you, Ryan, for sharing your […]

By |September 23rd, 2021|2 Comments

Does It Try to Scare You or Love You

Do you let yourself influence by fear or love?
Do you realize when an influence tries to scare or love you? Are you aware or do you get affected easily? Being aware of the energy and feelings will help to stay centered and prevents that you get manipulated. Many people these days have difficulties with this […]

By |October 7th, 2020|9 Comments

How Traveling the World Changes Your Life

Why traveling the world?
If you do not travel the world you see the world through a pinhole.
Most people in your hometown think like you. Many people in your region think like you. Culturally, just about EVERYBODY thinks like you, in your home nation.

This is the Pinhole Effect. Or the Pinhead Effect. People never leave their […]

By |August 7th, 2019|20 Comments

Where does Valentine’s Day Come From ?

Where is it coming from our Valentine’s Day?
Everywhere people celebrate Valentine’s Day, but not many know where it is coming from. It is a day to remember Love, especially for lovers but also for couples and friends. It is basically a beautiful thought; even these days, it seems to be more commercial.
Here is the story […]

By |February 13th, 2016|33 Comments