Finding Truth: How to Navigate a World of Deception and Manipulation

Finding Truth in a World of Deception
By telling the truth, one becomes unpopular and rejected at times. I often experienced it because I am a truth-teller. Sometimes, it is as uncomfortable for some people as it is for the truth-teller. 

Lying or not telling the truth to avoid hurting someone or to hide a reality is […]

By |November 18th, 2023|2 Comments

Have You Ever Thought of the News in this Particular Fashion?

Do you follow the news?
Do you let the news influence your life and your perception? Can you believe what they tell you?

Know that none of what they tell is really true and that they are owned and paid to only show what their owners want the people to know so they can be manipulated and […]

By |February 25th, 2022|4 Comments

Fearmongering – Who Is Behind it?

What makes people panic? Are you aware of this sinister game?
Who is behind the Corona fearmongering? For me, it is sometimes astounding to see people scared and believe everything that TV or mainstream media reports. Maybe it does not influence me because I never watch TV or read newspapers and only see people’s reactions?
For example, […]

By |September 1st, 2021|6 Comments

There Is Hope For A Brave New World

Can we create a Brave New World?
Yes, I believe there is hope for a brave new world. I believe we can create it. Despite all the chaos and happenings out there. There is always hope. Many are scared, anxious, and depressed, especially the people who watch TV and rely on mainstream media. But most people […]

By |February 8th, 2021|24 Comments

How to News Proof Yourself

Do you know how to news-proof yourself?
In our time, we need to news-proof ourselves more than ever to be able to live a peaceful life. Many people believe everything that the media puts out, get confused, and are in stress mode.  But stress is a silent killer and shuts down our immune system. Better to […]

By |March 17th, 2020|4 Comments