Why Attempting to Validate Your Fears Increases Your Fears

Did you ever attempt to validate your fears?
If you try to validate your fears instead of facing and releasing them you can get into a vicious circle that repeats itself the more you think about it.  Meditation can help you to cope with your fears. Read How To Benefit From Meditation Against Fear

Our friend Ryan […]

By |August 27th, 2021|4 Comments

Zen12 – Why You Will Love The Meditation Program Of The Future

Squeeze 1-Hour of Meditation into Just 12 Minutes
Zen12 is a meditation program for an easy start. The benefits of meditation are improvements in health and vitality, increased happiness, and enhanced brainpower.The question is: Why aren’t more people doing it?Especially nowadays, when people suffer from stress, fear, and depression, triggered by the mainstream media, it would […]

By |January 9th, 2021|2 Comments

How To Benefit From Meditation Against Fear

Meditation Against Fear
Why meditation against fear? Meditation reduces the flow of disturbing outward information. While meditating, the mind gets clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused. 

Many people worry about the job, worries about disease, worries about health, relationships, and terror in the media. The sensation-driven, fear-mongering media news can create fear that is depressing. Stressful situations trigger […]

By |December 27th, 2020|5 Comments