Who Gave You Your Belief System?

Are you aware of your Belief System?
Many people do not even realize that they have a belief system or paradigms. Usually, they are inherited or learned through repetition. The media often tricks people into beliefs and mind programs, and even lies often enough repeated can become beliefs. Repetition also can be used for good, to […]

By |January 30th, 2021|11 Comments

What Rules Do You Need to Break Now?

Do you follow rules? Rules that Paradigms dictate us?
Breaking rules is not easy for many and first, we have to get aware of them. A lot of people are trapped in their paradigms and do not even think of changing their life. We are told what good life has to look like. Go to school, […]

By |December 22nd, 2020|6 Comments

7 Tips On How To Find Your True Self And Be Authentic

Do you act as your true self? Are you Authentic?
Finding your true self and being authentic is a process.  To be authentic means to be YOU. It means that you act as you feel right inside yourself. To be you and not somebody you think you have to be.

Influences from outside can make us inauthentic, […]

By |December 21st, 2020|1 Comment

Who Is The Ruler Of Your Marvelous Mind?

A Marvelous Mind is given to you – use it.
Here is why I thought of writing about our marvelous minds.  I did a live video on Facebook talking to young people.

It was not planned, and I was not really prepared for it, but it made me think afterward about some questions I got and what […]

By |September 23rd, 2017|82 Comments

Do You Dare To Be You ? Playing Roles Is For Actor’s

Do you dare to be you, or do you play a role?
Pictures of my friend Anant, all one and the same person.
He looks in every picture differently, but he is an actor, and it is his profession to play roles.

What about us?
Do you dare to be you?
For example, I met friends again; it was about […]

By |August 28th, 2016|53 Comments