Is there a right strategy selling your stuff?
Is it the right strategy to convince bloggers to buy from you? Are you desperate to sell your stuff? Think about how it feels to you if someone wants to desperately pursue you to buy something? Do you feel if someone is genuine?
Here is a guest post from Ryan Biddulph and he tells us here why this is not the right way. In my opinion, he is right.
Should you convince bloggers to buy from you?
A few moments ago, I pondered lowering the price of my blogging course for someone who asked if I offered payment plans. I considered creating a coupon for the individual. After a few seconds, I declined. Why? Even though it feels good to get the course in her hands, to help her, and even though it feels good to make money, I likely added a bit of convincing energy to the move if I went that route.
Avoid trying to convince bloggers and readers to buy your stuff in most cases because ready, willing, prospering readers await to buy your stuff fast, if you give these folks most of your attention and energy.
My Time and Energy
I would have spent about 5-10 minutes logging in to Selz, creating a coupon for my blogging course, and emailing said blogger the coupon. But rethinking my slightly convincing approach, I figured spending 10 of those minutes writing this post for Erika and her readers and adding 10 more minutes to complete the post makes better energetic sense.
Why attempt to convince a loving and loyal blogger who seems to be budgeting now, versus creating helpful content for a loving and loyal who is *all in*? Erika promotes me tirelessly on Twitter and Facebook. She is *all in*, enjoying my work. She even invites me to guest post on her sensational blog. I never had to convince her of anything. I just create content, she Likes it or Retweets it and shares it.

Our vibes also attract the right people
Take the path of least resistance – even if it feels uncomfortable and scary – to make the most money.
Resonance and Money
Go to where you are loved. Make more money.
Only love and abundance are real. Fear and poverty are illusions.
Most bloggers fear losing money or not making money. Poverty consciousness at play here. If you fear losing money you do the silly thing of trying to convince or manipulate non-resonant folks to buy. But since where energy goes, grows, most folks do not buy, you struggle financially and eventually, quit blogging. Why? You vibed fear and blogged fear and did something producing fear-filled, poverty-laden, results.
But if you give 100% of your energy to love, aka, people who vibe with your work, you betcha that success, traffic, and money are yours. Recently, I changed my blogging course for famous features to a monthly subscription model. Quickly, one of my readers signed up. Within a few hours, I quickly made an extra $20 in recurring payments for a year or 2 or more, in addition to all other blogging income I earn. I built a bond with that blogger by helping her, so we both became resonant. Money flowed to me through our bond.
She also bought many of my eBooks. I never attempted to convince her of anything. Fans and/or friends pay you to buy your stuff or to hire you, so no need to convince lukewarm folks to buy, because doing so wastes your energy.
Tony Robbins or Ryan Biddulph
One loyal customer, client and reader explicitly told me she could hire anybody to coach her, including Tony Robbins, but she chose me. She is a high net worth individual living in a prospering town. All I did was publish helpful, free content and she bought in literally and figuratively because she vibed with my teaching. I never tried to convince her of anything. She simply spent $200 for one hour of coaching automatically because we vibed.
Give virtually all of your attention and energy to helping folks for free thru many online channels. Be generous and genuine. Folks who vibe with your free content buy your products and services.
Never try to convince or coerce non-resonant folks because doing so wastes your energy.
Keep going back to where you are loved to tap into abundance.
About the Author
Ryan Biddulph inspires you to live your dreams at Blogging From Paradise.
Thank you, Ryan, for your good vibes on my blog 🙂
What is your opinion? Does Ryan’s approach to selling stuff resonate with you?
What is your experience?
Please leave a comment.
See also > Should I Pursue My Passion or Chase Money?
Read also Bloggers This Is A Call To Surrender To Blogging For Fun!
Hi Ryan,
Thank you for this post on my blog
This Post may give another perspective to blogging and customer care.
Or at least makes think 🙂
I agree with you, if there are the right vibes selling will be natural and no need to convince.
It will be on the know like trust level.
Also, I think it will be more about this than ranking on Google. If I want to buy something, I will buy it somebody I feel good with.
Thank you
Hi Erika,
good to see Ryan again on your website with and a timely post.
Yes, I fully agree with Ryan’s approach to selling stuff resonate.
I could pick a lot of lessons from this interesting post.
Thanks, Ryan your reasons and tips in this a bit confusing situation in fixing the sale.
Keep writing.
Wish you both a great time ahead.
~ Phil
Philip Verghese Ariel recently posted…Philipscom Expert Roundup Post Service
Hi Philip,
nice to see you here.
Ryan is right, it is better to keep good vibes instead stressing oo much.
Better to get out of trying to convince clients and be relaxed.
The right people and clients will show up.
Wishing you also a great time
Thank you for your comment
Selling stuffs on ones blog has never been easy without the prior information about how blog marketing goes.
Am happy to get the few tips about it here. Thanks a lot.
Joseph recently posted…Puta Pxta – Naira Marley [Video Download]
Hi Joseph,
I am glad the post was useful for you
Hi Ryan and Erika
Great article, here.
People try so hard to “sell” on their blogs.
It’s not about selling.
It’s about solving people’s problems.
When you can introduce products and services that help solve your readers problems, that’s not selling… it’s offering solutions.
As you point out here, never to convince or coerce, just offer product solutions seamlessly into your article IF and WHEN it is helpful to do so.
Donna Merrill recently posted…What daily blogging schedule can make me money
Hi Donna,
you said it very nice, offering solutions to solve problems.
This sounds so much better and it is the right way to go.
It feels much better for a blogger and the client.
We better think about how we feel ourselves if we read a post.
Nobody likes if someone wants to sell. But by offering a solution, the client is free to choose.
Thank you for your comment
Thanks for sharing your information with us.
You are welcome. I hope you could learn something new?
You highlight some insightful points-however I am concerned you could be skimming details. I would like to see you clear up some misconceptions, because you are a very eloquent writer and I get immense value from reading your posts.
Hi Daniel,
Ryan is indeed a good writer. He wrote many posts about blogging and this subject.
Maybe visit his website and get even more valuable answers.
Thank you for your comment
This is an excellent article, u did a good research.
This is not an article but a contribution according to me.
It should reach to maximum number of target audience.
Keep it up and best of luck.
Ryans article is a contribution as you say and I am glad you liked it
Thank you
Thanks for all the tips .these are really’s all depends on psychology of customer.if we try to convice them then they think like we Are frauds.we just have to promote our product in way that should create interest in customers.thank you somuch for the article
you got it right, we have first to share helpful information and build trust.
Nobody likes to buy from somebody who wants only to sell.
Thank you
For me i dont think it is necessary or right to convince bloggers to buy your stuff. Set value for what you have. If you know you are good or you have what the world is looking for, just package it very well and they will buy. At times you have to get reviews, testimonials and then you will start seeing alert daily. Thanks for the article is a kind of reminder.
Edidiong Ekpo recently posted…Yahoo Recovery Scam Formats – Impersonation Updates 2020
you are right. No need to make anybody buy your stuff. If it is of value and you do it right customers will follow you and buy what you have to offer.
Thank you for your visit and comment
I do not really love the idea of convincing people like bloggers to buy what i have to sale. Instead i give them what they can not rejects. Packaging is everything. This article is worth it. I give it my 5 star ratings.
Edidiong Ekpo recently posted…Yahoo Recovery Scam Formats – Impersonation Updates 2020
Thank you Edidiong,
You are right, give what they can not reject 🙂
Thanks for your comment
Erika, I agree with you fully buddy. Build something with love. Resonant folks will show up and buy. Thanks again!
Right , Ryan
everybody who does his work with love, can find the right tribe, who is ready to buy what he has to offer.
Thank you
HI , Erika
I agree with the comments in your blog
Create something more appealing than trying to win over them
Thank you !