Do You Mindlessly Go through Life or Mindfully Grow through Life?

Do you grow through life or just play it safe?
Many people do not grow through life and live the way society wants them to be. Some even after a challenge in life get hopeless in resignation, trying to keep the standard of life pretending to live the good life. Personal growth is a choice. But: […]

By |October 13th, 2021|2 Comments

Do You Think or Panic?

Think or Panic!!
What is the reason that people either think or panic? Observing people’s reactions in this crisis time, I can feel and see the why. There are people who do the inner work and are calm and able to think. But the majority, in my opinion, lost the connection to the nature of life. […]

By |September 30th, 2021|4 Comments

Do You Want to Be Able to Understand Anybody?

Travel may make us able to choose the world we want to see.
Travel makes us not only able to understand others better, but it also opens our horizons and gives us courage. 

The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see. – Barry Neil Kaufman

See what our friend Ryan Biddulph tells us […]

By |September 21st, 2021|8 Comments

Why Is Most Happiness Not Really Happiness?

What is True Happiness?
Maybe what people are looking for in pursuing true happiness is the state of bliss that is impossible to find in the external world? The joy that we can see in children, which is our natural state of being.

Yogic philosophy calls it Sat Chit Ananda, meaning unchangeable consciousness that never suffers or […]

By |September 16th, 2021|8 Comments

Why Attempting to Validate Your Fears Increases Your Fears

Did you ever attempt to validate your fears?
If you try to validate your fears instead of facing and releasing them you can get into a vicious circle that repeats itself the more you think about it.  Meditation can help you to cope with your fears. Read How To Benefit From Meditation Against Fear

Our friend Ryan […]

By |August 27th, 2021|4 Comments