Learn From Mistakes And Problems And Turn Them Into Opportunities

How can you turn problems and mistakes into opportunities and grow personally?
If you learn from mistakes and problems you can grow personally. Looking back in life, I can see every problem or mistake was for a reason and made me learn. They can guide us in the right direction and make us aware of opportunities.

Are […]

By |June 4th, 2021|9 Comments

Every Problem Is Fear in Your Mind

Do you create your problems through fear in your mind?
If we analyze our problems, we always get to fear. Fear to do wrong, fail, hurt somebody, take risks, and so on. And all this we create in our mind.

“Fear is the Root of Your Problems. Every problem you or I have (and they are many, […]

By |May 30th, 2021|2 Comments

Why Do People Hate Themselves And How To Change It?

Why do people hate themselves?
What is self-hatred, and what is self-love?

There was a discussion about self-love; my  Blogger friend  Donna Merill had posted an image and wrote: “I cannot stress how important it is to love yourself. If you want to help others … you have to love yourself first.”
She had put this image, and […]

By |March 18th, 2021|41 Comments

How Meditation And Mindful Exercises Can Help With Stress And Anxiety.

Meditation and yoga can help us to become Solutionary.
In these crisis times, Meditation and mindful exercises can strengthen us. COVID-19 makes us all humble and forces us to understand and, if necessary, to repent. To surrender to what we need and to let go of all fears that held us. Because crises like this make […]

By |March 9th, 2021|22 Comments

How to be not overwhelmed by circumstances around you

Don’t let outer circumstances influence your life.
Do you let external circumstances influence your well-being? Almost every day, negative news comes to us in this crisis. We get the feeling as if we were drowning in a flood of negativity. But if you want to follow your heart and draw happiness into your life, think brave […]

By |February 6th, 2021|14 Comments