Emily Johnson
Here, we have another young talent telling us how to start writing great blog posts.
I would like to introduce young, ambitious people here; as you all saw, this time, it is a young lady who did an amazing infographic and is very good at writing. I wish I could write like her.:)
Read her short bio below and see her infographic; the title is:
How To Bake A Texty Cake?
Is this not a creative Idea?
See the innovatively designed infographic.
Let us learn how to “bake a texty cake” from her  🙂
How do you like the infographic?
Please leave a comment if you liked her Cake.
Here is my short bio: Emily Johnson is a blogger behind OmniPapers, a website about the writing life of students and everyone who creates content for the Web. You can always find more works of hers on G+ and Twitter.
How to Start Writing Great Blog Posts: Tips for Bloggers
Nowadays, there are many bloggers on the web as most people want to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Some people do it for fun, and others do it to earn money. However, no matter what the reason is, it’s important to run an interesting and useful blog to capture your audience’s interest.
 If you want to keep your readers interested, you need to start writing great blog posts.
Here’s a handy infographic about blog writing by OmniPapers to help you understand the basic elements of a great blog post. If you want to master your writing skills, you need to discover more at their website and keep reading this article.
Of course, there are many essential ingredients of a good blog post, but we want to focus on the most important ones.
So, each blog post should have:
- Thoughtful Topic: Try to give your readers what they want. If you know their needs, you can make up a good and thoughtful topic. Don’t forget to add tips and pieces of advice.
- Catchy Headlines: As it is the first thing your readers pay attention to, it should be eye-catching and unique. Disclose the topic, interest them, and prove that it is going to be an interesting piece of writing to read.
- Media Content: People perceive visuals better, so try to use media content. While there are many types of visual content, try to pick up the most relevant ones.
- Relevant Links: To build authority and your online reputation, you should rely on trustful resources only. So, don’t hesitate to insert relevant links to help your audience understand the theme more deeply.
- Enhanced Readability: Most people don’t like spending much time reading. Thus, you need to make your texts as comfortable as you can. Think about your readers and enhance readability with the help of subheadings, lists, and short paragraphs.
Do you try to include all these elements in your blog post? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Please leave a comment; thank you
Hi Erika and Emily,
Wonderful Infographic. Very well explained, to the point, colorful and topped off nicely.
Every one of your points is great advice that all of us need to brush up on from time to time.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you Monna ,
I am glad you like it, as an expert in writing your opinion is of value.
I may have to look more often at it :)to learn better.
I am sure Emily will be happy as well that you liked her infographic.
Thank you and happy Holidays
Very creative! Sifts through all the important points.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted…Love in the Age of Terror
Hi Dr.Erica ,
nice to see you again here.
I too liked the creativity and I always admire good writers .
Thank you for your visit
Happy Holidays
Hi Erika,
Indeed an excellent Infographic, you have shared valuable information which can help out bloggers to write quality content. As a blogger our major responsibility is to take care of our blog readership that what actually they want. All the tips that you have mentioned in your blog post are very worthwhile.
Thanks for fantastic share 🙂
MMairaj recently posted…How To Write Affiliate Product Reviews Step By Step Guide
Hi Muhammad,
nice to see you here,
I too liked this infographic ,Emily did a good job creating it .
I am glad you liked it and she too will be grateful for your comment
Thank you
Hi Erika Mam and Emily
A superb post!
I loved the infographic. Thanks for sharing
Merry Christmas!
Sonal Talwar recently posted…A Happy and a Healthy Christmas!
Thank you Sonal,
I am glad you liked the infographic and I am sure Emily
as well.
Thank you for your comment and Happy Holidays to you
Hi Erika,
Clever take on writing blog posts … and love the infographic – creative!
Lesly Federici recently posted…The Truth About Time
Hi Lesly ,
Yes, I think Emily did a beautiful infographic and a creative thought
making it like a recipe.
I am happy you liked it.
Thank you for the comment
Hi Erika Mohssen-Beyk mam, Great knowledge shared about writing blog posts. now a days so many people into blogging and the competition is high. one need to keep patients to get success and need to implement all which is necessary.and learnt. Thanks for sharing
sazia kazia recently posted…Diabetes Treatment through Tenner’s Cassia-Margosa-Ispaghula Herbal Remedies
Hi Sazia,
you are right,it is not easy sometimes to write
good content and it is good to implement and learn
how to do it right. Emily did a helpful infographic
as a reminder not to forget important things.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erica,
Greta tips and I absolutely love the infographic.
Thank you for sharing!
Happy Holidays!
Emi recently posted…Use Social Media To Drive Visitors To Your Blog
Hi Emi ,
I am glad yu liked the infographic and Emily will be happy
too. I wish you a great time for the holidays
and a successful, happy and healthy Year 2016
Thank you for the comment
Hello Erika,
Catchy headlines are what is written to grab more eyeballs. To write a great post, research and brain excercise are must. Nowadays, I am focusing more on writing on those things that my audience are actually looking for. So, basically I am not writing what I want but I am writing what my readers want.
Thank you for the great write up.
Atish Ranjan recently posted…Create Fake Facebook Chat to Fool Your Friends!
Hi Atish,
nice to see you here 🙂
You are right catch headlines are great,I am not very good in this.
I think you do good with them and yes, writing for your audience is very
important and great if you know what they are looking for.
I sometimes wish I had a critic for my blog posts. to learn to make it better.
I think you are doing great with yours.
I am glad you liked this post
Thank you for your visit
Hi Erika
Great post and infographic. Some excellent tips to “spice up” our blog posts.
Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted…Guaranteed Profit From Marketing Tools
Hi Joy ,
I am happy you liked the infographic and got tips from it .
I too wish you all the best for the year 2016
to your success
Hi Erika,
Informative post indeed 🙂
You covered all the apt tips bloggers need to start writing great blog posts! The infographic was like an icing on the cake as well. Yes, a catchy headline is the first thing that can draw people to your blog, especially from the search engines and new people. So, it better be a good, and relevant one.
Content is king, and there is no compromise on that, but along with it also comes the way you format your post. If you can add in some quotes, images, videos etc – it breaks the monotony of large chunk of texts, isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice week, and wonderful year ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted…5 Fun Ways to Deal with Toxic Emotions and Thoughts
Hi Harleena,
nice to have you here
You are right ,I like to put quotes and images into my posts
and say with quotes often things which I do not have the right words for.
It takes me long to write a post and the headlines too are difficult for me.
I think this infographic is very good to look sometimes and control
what is missing and what can be done better.
I see you are a very good writer and may not have much trouble with this.
But for many beginners, it can be very helpful.
Thank you for your visit:)
I wish you a successful Year 2016
Hi Erika,
What a delicious treat on the Eve of a New Year.
Indeed, this is a Yummy treat for all bloggers! 🙂
especially to Newbie bloggers.
Thanks Emily for your wonderful treat to the readers of Erika.
Thanks Erika for this lovely and sweet introduction of yet another young talent.
We Wish both of your a wonderful and delicious New Year 2016
Keep writing
Thanks Erika again for all your lovely comments on my page in the recent past.
Philip Varghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Google Employees: Will They Interact With Website Owners?
Hi Philip,
A cake recipe for bloggers 🙂
I am glad you liked it and Emily will be happy as well.
We too wish you all the best for the new year 2016
Let’s keep writing 🙂
Thank you ,Philip
Hello mam,
Great great infographic and tips. All points were well explained and helpfull. Thanks for sharing!
Naman Kumar recently posted…The Simplest Ways to Write Better Blog Posts in 2016
Hi Naman,
I am glad you liked the infographic and Emily will be happy too.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erika and Emily,
Wow, this was fun. Especially with that super recipe graphic! Seems like you’re creative with graphics as well as writing, Emily.
All the ingredients are there.
Whoever wants to crack a few eggs and start blending, the sky’s the limit. The most important thing is to write things that make your readers happy, give them great information that they want, and leave them feeling that their lives are just a little bit better because they spent a few minutes with you. Like I feel having read this article 🙂
I have to say that my favorite “ingredient” what you call “enhanced readability.” I’ve read so much lately, really for the last year or two, but especially lately… that the only way to have an impact blogging is to write huge, long, epic blog posts with tons of media and endless information. I understand that might help your articles get ranked because Google sees that as “authority.” But I agree with you that people are busy and want to cut to the chase. Give them one good idea that can help them move forward and they’ll love you and come back for more. At least, it’s worked fine for me. Let Google find other people with staffs of dozens of people to spit out humungous articles. If I want all that information I’ll get a good ebook or buy a course from someone I trust. TMI, if you know what I mean.
Nice job Emily. Thanks for the introduction Erika.
Donna Merrill recently posted…3 Top Resources For Driving Tons Of Free Traffic To Your Blog
Hi Donna ,
I am sure Emily will be happy with your great comment.
I agree with you,I always wonder why it is said long
articles are better. Do we write for Google or for people?
I too rather buy a book or Google for information,there
are many different articles about the same subject,which
bring more different views. I think it is better to write
for people and use the recipe.
Thank you, Donna
Hi Erika,
Interesting post about blog writing tips. Also a killer and creative infographic.
Edward Thorpe recently posted…The Discovery of Ignorance
Hi Edward,
yes I liked the infograpkic ,it is
very creative and I can use the tips as well.
I am glad you liked it
Thank you
Hi Erika,
I thought that was amazing! Such a creative idea to tie blogging in with the recipe of a cake, Writing a blog is a Creation, following a formula, so it worked brilliantly.
All the ingredients needed for a blog were included, with great detail and it was so cleverly done.
This is a cake blog fit for a Queen.
Emily is very talented, and I loved it 😀
~ Jacs
Jacs Henderson recently posted…Merry “Social” Christmas!
Hi Jacs,
this is why I liked it so much and let her put it
on my site. I love young people who are creative.
I am not very good in this things which makes me
like it even more and I need to look at it often.
I am sure Emily will be happy for your comment and I am
Thank you
Hi Erika and Emily,
What an awesome well laid out post! Excellent tips for bloggers on how to write great blog posts 🙂 Love the infographic!
Hi Joan ,
I am glad you liked the infographic ,
Emily did a beautiful job.
Thank you for your comment.
Wow Erika and Emily
Brilliant I loved the infographic and the short sweet memorable bullet points of the article
This is great writing and each point could have it’s own article to flesh it out leading to a fine dining experience
I just wish I could have shared this but your share box has me buffaloed it keeps sliding away from me before I can share such a shame
Mary Sloane recently posted…Why a Survey Could Be Your New Best Friend
Hi Mary ,
I am glad you like the post and infographic
and Emily will be happy too.
Good that you tell me about the share box ,I often
have this on other sites as well ,you are right ,it makes
crazy,I have but two of them ,one on the bottom of the page.
I often share manually if I come to a site like this. Will see
if I can find a solution.
Thank you for mentioning and your comment
I am loving it!
The info-graphic is just outstanding. Clearly described & well defined.
I’ll keep all theses mentioned points while writing blog posts.
Thank You Erika & Emily for sharing such a great info-graphic post.
Bookmarked it, I am tweeting it right NOW!
Have a nice day.
~ Ahmad From TutorialsFist
Hi Muhammad,
nice to see you here
and I am glad you like the infographic made by
Emily. We all need to remember this points while
writing 🙂 Thank you for sharing and tweeting 🙂
All the best for you
Thanks Ma’m
Great informative infographic, Thanks Erika and Emily. Brilliant post,Wish to see such posts again. your blog is a great resource for quality posts.
Hi Arun,
Thank you for your visit,
we are glad you liked the post.
Thank you for your comment
Hey Erika,
Thanks for sharing the tips to Start Writing Great Blog Posts. All points were well explained and helpfull. The info-graphic is just outstanding. Clearly described & well defined. I’ll keep all theses mentioned points while writing blog posts.
Thank you. Have a great day ahead. 🙂
Hi Mansi,
nice to see you here.
I am glad you liked the post and the infographic,
it sure helps in writing good posts.I think
Emily did a good job with this.
Thank you for your comment
Well I am not exactly a beginner blogger BUT I do always think that it is important to go back to the basics. Thanks for the great reminders.
Dr. Elise Cohen Ho recently posted…5 Scrumptious Sweet Potato Recipes That Will Surprise You
Hi Elise,
I think we all sometimes need to go back to the basics.
I anyways need still to learn 🙂
Thank you
Hi Erika and Emily,
What a creative article for blogging beginners. Making it as easy and clear as possible.
The references to baking a cake with all the right ingredients and reinforcing them with that
wonderful infographic was just so creative.
Thanks Erika for introducing Emily and her blog about writing issues and reviews of writing services for students
http://omnipapers.com .
Hi Kathryn,
sorry for the late reply ,I just found your comment in the spam.
You are right ,the infographic of Emily to take writing like
baking a cake is original.
Thank you for your comment
I really love symbolism and the cake idea is a great way to show how to achieve writing a good blog post. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy the journey!
Mandy Allen recently posted…U Is For Unity
Hi Mandy ,
I liked the cake idea as well,and it worked out nice as an infographic ,
to see how we can bake our posts. 🙂
Thank you for the comment
Guest posting is a great way to start your content marketing campaign. But one have to follow all tips mentioned here to become a guest posting champ. Thanks for this great share.
Santanu recently posted…OptinMonster Coupon Code 2016 – 40% Discount on Annual Plan
Hi Santanu,
nice to see you here.
You are right ,guest posting is a good way to
be known. It needs good content and Emily’s baking
recipe for creating good content is a very guide.
I am glad you liked it
Thank you
This is an excellent infograph, love this. Sometimes I saw the new bloggers do some big mistake when writing and publishing a blog post. Either they can’t choose an amazing title for the story or they can not stay on track when writing. Thee must love this post. You did a big effort Erika. Thank you
William D.Rivera,
you are right ,it is not easy to write
for new bloggers ,including me 🙂
The infographic Emily did is a good help for this.
Thank you for your visit and comment,
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Hi payday loan,
I usually do not communicate with links or websites.
But thank you for your visit . My host is SiteGround
Hi Erika Mohssen-Beyk,
Just found your post by searching on the Google, I have Impress and Learn Lot of new thing from your post. I am new to blogging and always try to learn new skill as I believe that blogging is the full time job for learning new things day by day.
Thanks for sharing your post with the World.
Have a great day ahead.
Mudasir Yasin recently posted…WordPress Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress
Hi Mudavir ,
nice to see you here.
You are right blogging can be a good full-time job .
I think most people will work from home in the future
and it is great if you learn new skills there a lot of
things to learn good there are many blogger communities
where people help each other .
Thank you for visiting ,I wish you all the best
Nice article..
I am adding your website link here..
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Hi mac,
I am glad that you find this post helpful for your visitors.
Thanks for the visit.
Hey Erika,
I am happy to see your post regarding how to start writing new posts.
I was having much confusion on doing the post because I also had a thought that there must be something special that it would make the people attract them to read this post one most important thing that I got from your post is that “post Name” .
After reading your blog only I came to know about this. Thank you, madam, for giving such a great thing. Keep posting…..
Hi Satish ,
I am glad the post and the infographic did help you.
I am sure following the steps can make writing good
content easier.
Thank you for your visit
First please accept my appreciate for the infographic, Yes! I do agree on the images not only attract will speak a thousand words and the blog content with great colorful infographic will certainly attract the visitors. About the points title, description and headings are important and writing content with small paragraphs with subheadings are best for SEO optimization.
Hi Charan,
I am glad you liked Emily’s post.
She did a good job with her infographic.
I hope it will help many bloggers’s especially
beginners.You are right Headings are important
also subheading. I saw you have a nice blog helping
people earning money online. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your comment. All the best.
Very impressive guide. I feel so confident with this guide to create excellent contents on my blog. These steps and tips are well designed for newbie bloggers to learn about writing good posts.
I am glad this post could help you to feel more confident.
Wishing you all the best with your blog
First please accept my appreciate for the infographic, Yes! I do agree on the images not only attract will speak a thousand words and the blog content with great colorful infographic will certainly attract the visitors.
Good, you liked the infographic. Yes, we need good images for our blogposts.
Thank you
Hello Erika Mohssen Bey,
Thanks for the information, I’m creating blog for my website but somehow I was worried how to make it more attractive but after reading this I have good idea how to it now,
I am glad you found inspiration and ideas for your blog here.
To your successful blog
Thank you
Very impressive guide
I am glad you liked it
Awesome information for a beginner like me! It will truly help me to add create better blog posts on my website!
Thank You!
It was a Interesting post about blog writing, it has very useful information.And the infographic was great.
I am glad you liked the infographic and you found the post helpful.
Thank you