How The Universal Law Of Reciprocity And its Aspects Affects Our Life

Law of Reciprocity and the principle of giving and receiving.
The law of reciprocity accompanies us in all life situations, but we are usually unaware of it.

All life consists of giving and taking. If you accept a service or something material, a debt arises. As a reward, you give something of equal value back. For thousands […]

By |January 28th, 2022|8 Comments

How can Communication Skills be Your Ticket to Success?

Do you have good communication skills?
Good communication skills are essential in life. If one can argue intelligently and eloquently convince bosses, colleagues, and, above all, customers of their competence. It is a question of the content and how you present yourself and behave towards people.
Whether bosses, colleagues, partners, or customers: those who communicate well convince […]

By |December 28th, 2021|4 Comments

Creative Tips For A More Sustainable Holiday Season

Think of the environment and be the change you want to see!
Help to make it a sustainable Holiday season. Christmas is a time of silence and contemplation. Or is it for you instead a time of consumption and hectic? Be mindful if you want to leave the smallest possible ecological footprint. Help to make the […]

By |December 22nd, 2021|8 Comments

Budget-Friendly Sleep Habits for Good Mental Health

Do you know that your sleep habits also affects your state of mind?
For anyone with depression, anxiety, or other mental health concerns, sleep is incredibly important. Sleep is closely linked to your overall health and well-being, and for anyone not sleeping well, the best thing to do to boost mental health is to improve sleep […]

By |December 20th, 2021|5 Comments

How You Can Improve Your Life if You Change Your Thinking

Are fear and worry ruling your life?
You can fundamentally change your life by changing your thinking.

Our world is currently changing rapidly. With the news coverage, it’s hard not to worry about what this means for you and the people you love.
Worry and anxiety are common problems at times, becoming all-encompassing.

The best is to stay away […]

By |December 10th, 2021|7 Comments