2 Odd Time Traits Infecting Humanity

What is infecting humanity? Is it an illusion? Is it delusion?
Are you infected by one of the time traits?  In this guest post, our friend Ryan Biddulph will tell us what he means is infecting humanity other than the famous virus. Let’s read about his thoughts about this time traits.

Thank you, Ryan, for sharing your […]

By |September 23rd, 2021|2 Comments

Do You Want to Be Able to Understand Anybody?

Travel may make us able to choose the world we want to see.
Travel makes us not only able to understand others better, but it also opens our horizons and gives us courage. 

The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see. – Barry Neil Kaufman

See what our friend Ryan Biddulph tells us […]

By |September 21st, 2021|8 Comments

Why Is Most Happiness Not Really Happiness?

What is True Happiness?
Maybe what people are looking for in pursuing true happiness is the state of bliss that is impossible to find in the external world? The joy that we can see in children, which is our natural state of being.

Yogic philosophy calls it Sat Chit Ananda, meaning unchangeable consciousness that never suffers or […]

By |September 16th, 2021|8 Comments

Why A Good Health Education Is The Best Protection Against Epidemics

Why do most people believe that they are defenseless against the Virus?
We need a better health education. It is sad to see how little people know about their bodies and health, even health professionals. Because of this, they believe everything that mainstream media is telling them. It is evident if we read comments on social […]

By |September 10th, 2021|4 Comments

“Concerned about you” – A Covidiotin presents 10 arguments to a vaccinated friend

See > “How much do you really know?” – An unvaccinated writes to a lost girlfriend

To be honest, I would not write such a letter as I conspire only with like-minded people. And I do not mind if anybody calls me Covidiotin. It will not affect me as a human being.

This article is a very comprehensive […]

By |September 5th, 2021|6 Comments