Finding Truth: How to Navigate a World of Deception and Manipulation

Finding Truth in a World of Deception
By telling the truth, one becomes unpopular and rejected at times. I often experienced it because I am a truth-teller. Sometimes, it is as uncomfortable for some people as it is for the truth-teller. 

Lying or not telling the truth to avoid hurting someone or to hide a reality is […]

By |November 18th, 2023|2 Comments

Time to Discover Your True Self and Help to Create a Better World

What kind of people must we be to create a promising future?
We will need courageous people who know their True Self.  Finding the courage to become your True Self is a liberating process.

Have courage. Bring yourself back to yourself. – Yogi Bhajan 

We live in truly turbulent times. Large and small changes are the order of the day for everyone. […]

By |October 17th, 2023|2 Comments

Have You Ever Thought of the News in this Particular Fashion?

Do you follow the news?
Do you let the news influence your life and your perception? Can you believe what they tell you?

Know that none of what they tell is really true and that they are owned and paid to only show what their owners want the people to know so they can be manipulated and […]

By |February 25th, 2022|4 Comments

Intuition – How To Listen To Our Excellent Guide

Do you listen to your gut feeling, your inner voice, your intuition?
The gut feeling or inner voice is usually an excellent guide, but often we ignore it.

Sometimes you just know things. We often talk about inner voice, gut feeling, or Intuition. Often, it is contrary to the intellect; sometimes, contrary to the logic, it just […]

By |August 17th, 2019|17 Comments

Where Do Our Ideas Come From -The Universal Mind

What is the universal mind?
The universal mind contains the essence of all that ever was, is, and will be.
All that happened and will happen, all perceptible and imperceptible included are controlled by the universal mind.
All things exist in the universal mind as ideas. These ideas take shape and become the objects and events in our […]

By |May 17th, 2015|21 Comments