Abundance is everywhere – We only need to see it. Nature is abundant, there is a wealth of energy and there are plenty of possibilities.
The Law of Abundance states that there is an unlimited source of everything we need or want, available to us at any time in the Universe.
We need to let go of our thinking of lack. The universe follows the Law of Abundance, and this law states that we can have whatever we want. But we will get exactly what we really believe we can have.
Our thoughts and beliefs create our world and this is exactly what will be our truth. What we think about our self and our possibilities will become our truth. For example, if we worry about survival we act out of scarcity, This thought patterns will determine your life.
Unfortunately, we often come in an attitude of lack.
“I do not have enough…”, “I’m not… enough.”, “If only I had …”.
And with this attitude, we limit ourselves and our possibilities. Have not our parents and grandparents told us that there is not enough for everyone, that there is a shortage in this world? And is there not a lot of evidence for this thought? They said we should be happy with what we have.
It is not true, our parents and grandparents were wrong.
5000 years ago it was written in the Upanishads :
From Abundance we scooped abundance and still, abundance remained.“
We live in a Universe of Plenty!
Scarcity thinking makes us tired, exhausted, and drained, which diminishes our ability to attract good. Therefore, we should be grateful for what we have, but there is nothing wrong to want better and more, It is natural that if we reach one goal, we go for the next and better one.
Raymond Holliwell in his book “Working with the Law” said:
“MAN is never satisfied. This fact is deplored by many, but God did not intend that man should be forever satisfied.
The law of his being is a perpetual increase, progress, and growth; so, when one good is realized, another desire for greater goodwill develop;“
What if everything we need is already here – even if we may not always see it?
We have to change our way of thinking and see that there is plenty.
And we can ask for more.
Jesus said:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you.”
Matt. 7:7
With Peace of mind, we can realize everything we seek is already inside us and it is never separate from us. With every desire, we get the idea of how we can reach it If we bring our attention inside we realize that collective and individual thought patterns determine our life.
“Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance.” – Epicurus
What do you think about it?
Should we allow our self to ask for more?
Or should we be satisfied with what we have?
What are your beliefs?
The Law of Abundance is a Universal Law
You may be interested to read > Working with the Law: 11 Truth Principles for Successful Living
How Freely Do You Share the Wealth?
See also >The Spiritual Side of Success -The Spirit Of Giving
See also Have You Moved from Scarcity to Abundance? – Why Fear Loss in an Abundant Universe
And Why Meditation Is Powerful And Can Activate Your Abundance
Awesome post and YES I believe it does work , coupled with action it is the most powerful thing you can do to change your results.
Jenni Ryan recently posted…Dealing with Rejection in Network Marketing
Hi Jenni ,
you are right ,
the magic is in the action ,like Lesly Federici
often said ,
Thank you
Time is the only thing I ever feel like I don’t have enough of. As for everything else, my cup is flowing over and I know it every day and give thanks to my Lord. Many people ask “why” when they have a difficult circumstance. I ask “why Lord” because I have so much compared to others and have done nothing to deserve it. So yes, I see abundance all around me all the time and am VERY thankful for it!
Theresa Wilkins recently posted…Working From Home Online – How to Use Elance in 6 Steps
Hi Theresa ,
I am happy to hear you see the abundance and
experience it.Be grateful , believe you deserve it 🙂
Thank you
Great post. The law of abundance – Abundance is our birth right. We all should claim it without hesitation
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you.” Matt. 7:7
Christine Adindu recently posted…Do It Right – Social Media Marketing For Your Business
Hi Christine,
yes you are right it is our birth right,
but often people do not believe this and
do not act, because they think of not
enough .
Thank you
Erika you have written a wonderful article here – and yes, I believe that the correct thinking along with the feeling of belief will empower us to have abundance. My parents and grandparent were of the belief that people were limited to a particular income and lifestyle based on their ‘class’ in society. But the saying that ‘we should be happy with what we have’ is actually true! Think about it. Happiness is an emotion that the universe responds to as quickly as any other other. If we feel happy with anything that we are experiencing, we will find ourselves with abundantly MORE things to be happy with too!
Thank you for reminding me to be forever grateful.
Sonia recently posted…Prepare To Sell From Pinterest II
Hi Sonia,
yes we should be happy with what we have ,
but not satisfied .We are allowed to go after
more ,whenever we reach a goal.
Being happy and grateful is always good .
Thank you Sonia
Abundance is such a lovely word!
You have shown us that… and I believe it is there for us all. We are all living from our internal beliefs, and like you say these may well be from scarcity.
We must change these for abundance… simply by giving, thinking and sharing love and happiness and being grateful for what we have, as Sonia said… then we will find ourselves with more of what that!
We should ask for all that we wish to receive, and in us giving, the universe will reciprocate 🙂
Thank you Erika for sharing abundance with us!
Jacs Henderson recently posted…Turbo-Charge Your Business With A Facebook Fanpage Focus
Hi Jacs ,
thank you for your nice comment 🙂
We can really create abundance
with the right thinking and believe,
being grateful and give
Thanks for this powerful reminder that the universe is abundant and that it is natural to want more. Also, I love your comment that our ancestors were wrong when they said we should be happy with what we have. As Raymond Holliwell says, every living being is seeking increase and one of the important keys to success in life is to let others feel as if they will have increase by associating with you. Cater to other people’s desires to have more and you will have more of what you want too.
Dr., Erica
Hi Dr. Erica ,
we live in abundance and everywhere is plenty ,
it is the way of thinking which we need to
learn and be aware of.
Thank you for the
nice comment
Strong and moving message. It is sad that people do not know the true influence which they have on themselves. If someone wants success, money, power, or something else, then the first thing that much change is them. Fix your believe, then you have fixed what has been holding you back. Anything can be accomplished if you have the will to do it. Thank you for sharing!
Kyle Holcomb recently posted…MLSP Review
hi Kyle,
you are right it is all in our mind ,
believe and make it happen .
Thank you
Hi Erika. I loved reading this post. I feel we should take time out of our day to show how grateful we are for what we have. The fast pace of life gets in the way of this sometimes. However, if we are not happy with what we have , then we should do something about it. We need to train our mind to believe in our own ability. It will not happen by itself. The ability to achieve Abundance only works when strong, consistent action is taken with the strong belief that we can do it.
Have a great week.
Liz Delaney recently posted…When it’s Cool to “Mockup”
Hi Liz,
you are right taking time to look
inside ,whatever we need is already there.
Being grateful puts us in a uplifting energy.
By feeling good we are able to take positive action
in direction of our dreams .
Thank you
Hi Eryka,
Scarcity is an illusion. If you were programmed with scarcity through your upbringing and/or
consensus reality, you want to build new pathways to abundance in your mind and open to experience its energy so you can vibrationally align to it and receive it in your life.
When you tap into the energy of abundance and transform your inner landscape, such as clearing limiting beliefs around abundance, you are able to allow more and more of it into your life.
Rachel Lavern recently posted…There is a Solution to All Problems
Hi Rachel ,
yes ,first we have to get aware and we
have to find our limiting beliefs to be able
to change them .
Thank you for the comment
Hi Erika.
it seems to me that if you think you WILL then you WILL. If you think you WONT then..well you WONT we always sabotage our own efforts.. WHY? Perhaps because we think we are not worthy.
We need to talk more.
WILLIAM O’TOOLE recently posted…How To Make Money
Hi William ,
Right it is what we think comes true .
We need to think and ask “What if “more,
and talk ,but to supportive and positive people .
Thank you
I don’t think abundance can come if you are dissatisfied with a lot about your life. If you spend your time thinking of what you don’t have there’s no time or energy left to concentrate on getting more. I believe we first need to appreciate the good things we already do have in life.
Sue Bride recently posted…Planning Ahead For Success
Hi Sue ,
you are right ,we may even not see the abundance without gratitude.
We have to let go of thinking of lack and we should be grateful for what we have.
Only if we are in harmony with the universe and grateful for what we have,
we can attract more good.
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Great article and I enjoyed reading it very much. I agree with you completely. There is nothing wrong with wanting more but I believe the wrong lies in not appreciating what you have at the time. As the quote says and I’m not sure of the wording; if we are not happy with what we have, why do we think we will be happy with more?
Have a great 2015 and thanks again.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…32 Authors With 49 Comments
Hi Monna ,
you are right ,we should be grateful for what we have ,gratitude is the key to happiness.
But we do not need to stop there ,if we get more ,we can even be more grateful.
Thank you you too have a good 2015 🙂
This article spoke to me. In particular the bible verse.
Jesus said:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you.”
Matt. 7:7
Look for what you want, to see abundance in your life -you will find it just by asking to have it
Taping into the energy of abundance transforms your inner self by clearing limiting beliefs around abundance, enabling you to allow more of it into your life. Happy New Year Abundance to us all.
Hi Kathryn,
nice to have you in the group.
You are right we only have to look around
to see abundance and allow it in our life.
Abundance to us all 🙂
Thank you
Actually , you’re right. We actually a product of what we think. We should always think positive and in abundance
Right, it is good to be mindful and think.
We can change our thoughts and feelings a any time id we are aware.