A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Maybe you need a beginner’s guide to meditation? In “How To Benefit From Meditation And Mindfulness,” I showed you why meditation is so good for us. If you feel like giving it a try, I’ll show you how to do it here.

And it is no longer a secret that meditation has a positive effect on health, especially mental health. Perhaps you have also toyed with the idea of ​​trying meditation? In this case, you will find the best tips for getting started with meditation that you can incorporate into everyday life at any time!

These two girls’ images are my grandkids when they started to meditate years ago.

beginner's guide to meditation

Meditation offers a lot of benefits. It will help you overcome fear, stress, and anxiety. You will get in tune with your thoughts, feel more positive, and improve your overall well-being. Meditation is beneficial for everyone. It is not as difficult as you might think. 

Meditation, in any form, is an enrichment for everyday life. We can get even more out of meditation practice if we consider a few things before starting the practice. The most important basic rules for meditation beginners are: 

Have patience! No meditation master has fallen from the sky yet. You will always have days when your mind wanders. That’s part of it. 

Be kind to yourself! There is no goal in meditation. You don’t have to prove anything to yourself or others, so accept any meditation as it is. If it only lasts two minutes initially, that is worth as much as half an hour. Ultimately, the only thing that counts is: you took your time. 

Find your meditation! Not everyone meditates the same way. It may take a few tries before you find the approach that works for you. That is also perfectly fine. If you take this attitude into your meditation practice, nothing can go wrong, and you are good to go.

You don’t need any specific equipment, just a quiet place, comfortable clothing, and, initially, a pillow to sit on, and of course, your breath.

Many people swear by the effects of regular meditation and draw strength and inspiration from it.

beginner's guide to meditation

Here is a beginner’s guide to meditation so you can practice and experience the benefit 

Look for a quiet place.

You will need a quiet environment in which you can practice. Avoid background noise, so it can not distract and disrupt you. The best is to choose a warm place to meditate. If it is too cold or too hot, you won’t be able to concentrate. Make sure to be in a place where you are not disturbed. 

Sit comfortably

Find a comfortable position so you can sit for ten to fifteen minutes. You don’t need a specific position that makes it hard to adapt. The usual position for meditation is cross-legged and with the hands on your lap. However, find a comfortable position if this makes you struggle. 

Focus and Breathe 

It is essential in meditation to focus on your breathing—however, breathe naturally. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now start with shallow breaths. Continue for a few minutes. Your breath intake will become deeper as you continue. Take your time and breath slowly.

Focus on your thoughts.

Slowly you will feel more at ease with deep breathing. Focus on the breathing process. Consciously inhale and exhale. For your mind, it may take a while to focus on your breathing entirely. Don’t worry; it is ok if your mind wanders onto other subjects. Let it drift, and try to bring your attention back to your breathing. 

Whether you’re a beginner to meditation or not, sometimes it isn’t easy to focus. However, if you regularly practice, your attention will improve. If you find it more comfortable, try to ‘count’ your breathing, this is what I used to do, and it helps. Count one to inhale and two to exhale, for example, and repeat as you breathe in and out. It is an effective way of learning to meditate and get into the right mindset.

beginner's guide to meditation

Open your eyes

To end your meditation, open your eyes. Now you should be in a calm and serene state. You can also explore other meditation techniques. For example, meditating, listening to soft music, audio, or guided meditations.

You can sign up for Zen12 for a free audio meditation program to experiment and get started.

See also Do You Lose Yourself in the Past and Future?

And 10 Positive Facts About Meditation That May Surprise You

4 Meditation Myths And What You Need To Know

What about you? Do you meditate?

Maybe you would like to start with a guided meditation? Here is a meditation that is Mary Morrissey’s gift.

Click here to download your Abundance Meditation

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