We hold the Fort – the power blogging tribe?

I just received a gift from our Tribe leader, Lesly Federici
It is a cup, and it says “The magic is in the Action, “
this is something that keeps us connected.



This group is very good at keeping us in action with our weekly hangouts,
we are able to keep each other going.


We are the ones holding the Fort :


Lesly Federici,


Dr.Erica Goodstone


Monna Ellithorpe

and me.


Our other members are not all showing up every time in the hangouts.
But we are the keepers and hold ourselves and others accountable.
What a blessing to be in this group for all of us.


We help and support each other,ย  and not only in technical things,
we can talk about our everyday challenges as well,
laugh often and have fun, and everybody leaves with a smile.


What a great way to keep the Magic for the Action.
Thanks to all the Group members.

We Hold The Fort

See also The Advantage Of Joining Groups in The Online World