Are you suffering, or are you living?

To live is to suffer?
Why are many people suffering? Every person has inner personality parts that serve survival and protection. They are protecting us from overwhelming feelings. They arise automatically and usually unnoticed in overwhelming, traumatic situations.

However, these parts often carry negative beliefs, like, “You have to be perfect!” or “You can’t do it!” So […]

By |January 15th, 2024|3 Comments

Fear Is Increasing – How To Handle It

 How can you deal with the increasing fear?
Fear is increasing more and more these days, and many are in survival mode.

Many people suffer from the fear of viruses and their existence, especially since the time of lockdown and the Plandemic. The world is changing fast, and many feel it is becoming more challenging to keep […]

By |May 21st, 2023|8 Comments

1 Sign of an Advanced Mind

What is this sign of an advanced mind?
Conquering fear, judgment, and see through the illusion of separateness? Let’s see what our friend Ryan Biddulph tells us about this:

Thank you ,Ryan
1 Sign of an Advanced Mind.
I have been watching both Billions and Succession recently.

Both series feature business titans. One show chronicles the exploits of a billionaire investor. The other […]

By |October 12th, 2021|4 Comments

Do You Have a Deeper Fear of Losing Money or Time?

What do you have to fear?
Fear of losing money or time is losing a life. Let’s say it with quotes: As Napoleon Hill said: “Life has no bargains. Everything that you get that’s worthy of having has a price upon it.” and Author: J.R. Rim: “Many people make the mistake of saving money by wasting […]

By |October 6th, 2021|4 Comments

Fearmongering – Who Is Behind it?

What makes people panic? Are you aware of this sinister game?
Who is behind the Corona fearmongering? For me, it is sometimes astounding to see people scared and believe everything that TV or mainstream media reports. Maybe it does not influence me because I never watch TV or read newspapers and only see people’s reactions?
For example, […]

By |September 1st, 2021|6 Comments