3 Enligthening Lines from a Genius Writer

Are these enlightening lines supposed to wake up the mind?
How can we wake up the mind?  Are we living in an illusion?

In this guest post, our friend Ryan Biddulph reflects on Shakespeare’s three enlightening lines that are supposed to wake up humanity from an illusion.

It reminds me of Maya in the Indian philosophy, which also […]

By |March 12th, 2023|0 Comments

2 Odd Time Traits Infecting Humanity

What is infecting humanity? Is it an illusion? Is it delusion?
Are you infected by one of the time traits?  In this guest post, our friend Ryan Biddulph will tell us what he means is infecting humanity other than the famous virus. Let’s read about his thoughts about this time traits.

Thank you, Ryan, for sharing your […]

By |September 23rd, 2021|2 Comments

Have You Viewed Problems in this Fashion?

The art of analyzing and review problems
Have you ever viewed problems from a different perspective? In my opinion, it is an art. I made it a habit for myself to try different views on problems, and usually, it makes it much easier to solve them. If we analyze problems, we realize that the root of […]

By |January 1st, 2021|6 Comments

How to Frame Fear

Can you Frame Fear?
What does it mean to frame fear? Many are paralyzed by fear and do not realize that it is created in the mind. If we look around us and live in the present, we can see it is an illusion, the imagination of situations that may never happen. If you are unable […]

By |December 12th, 2020|1 Comment

Why Is Trying to Find Time to Do Anything the Biggest Illusion?

Do you have Time?
Are you trying to find time? Or is your excuse I have not enough time to do something for myself? Many seem not to find time for a little practice of yoga, exercise, meditation, serenity? Why not choose to take time for yourself?

Another guest post from our friend Ryan Biddulph. This time […]

By |September 23rd, 2020|9 Comments