Thank you and Appreciation
Our young poet Satyananda Sarangi wanted to thank and appreciate all readers for their encouragement and comments.
Satyananda created, especially for all of you a new poem.
He wants to say thanks for the encouragement.
We are grateful for all of you.
A New World 
My gaze upon the starlit sky,
to see a flash, a flash of light,
only if it comes by once more,
inspiring me to keep going with the fight.
The dead speak to me,
of the mistakes they did when alive,
and the living men don’t show up,
having not an advice piece to give.
And it seems enough a clue,
that brooding upon a past much,
I least care for the present,
letting it slip from my clutch.
In tandem, hope and despair play,
do I know what they mean?
maybe a legend of the future they’re building,
from worldly misery, one who is clean
Satyananda Sarangi
see more about him here
and the latest update: Our Successful Dreamer Poet is Back; Read About Him Here
Thank you and Appreciation
Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well – Voltaire.
What does appreciation mean?
Appreciation comes from the heart. It is a sincere, positive attitude towards yourself and others. Appreciation means viewing another person with genuine kindness. The whole person, not just their performance and opinions. It makes others feel valuable, and that is one of the strongest human needs at work as well as in private life.
We want to be seen, recognized, and valued for who we are, what we do, and what we have achieved. When used correctly, appreciation releases enormous power and has a motivating effect. Especially if the recipient feels: “This means me personally.”
Appreciation specifically names what it values. It can recognize the person itself or their performance.
Emotions have a strong effect, and if genuine enthusiasm is noticeable, the heart speaks to us.
Appreciation must always be shown, spoken, expressed, conveyed. Anyone who believes that people automatically know that they are valued is making a mistake. Everybody wants to hear it, see it, feel it, not just know it.
And very important. is to say “thank you” more often. Real gratitude goes beyond simple praise. It conveys both respect and recognition for the effort that someone has made and shows that you don’t take it for granted.
You can’t say thank you often enough. A person who feels valued will always do more than is expected of them.
See also How To Raise Your Energy Frequency Using Praise.
Updated February 27. 2024
Read also Right Blog Commenting And Why It Has Benefits For You.
Hi Erika,
What a Joy to be in the list of your comment authors this month!
Will surely make it a point to do more visit and comment in the coming days.
May you have happy weekend.
PS. I think you need to post this in the first week of next month so that those who comment this week also can be included.
Good day
~ Philip
Philip V Ariel recently posted…THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH FOR BLOGGERS
Hi Philip,
Thank you for your comments and visits .
I know it is not the end of the month yet ,
but I wanted to make it different as a surprise
and I am being grateful for the comments all
the time .
Thank you and happy weekend to you
Hi Erika ma’am, Thanks for the mention and the e-mail. Thanks for being so kind and gracious.

Rohan Chaubey recently posted…8 Industry Experts Share Their Top Ways to Get Real Attention Online [Expert Speak 3]
Hi Rohan,
thank you for your visit and your kindness
keep it up
Hello Erika, What a nice post, Thank You for the mention, I do appreciate this!
Enstine did a great job with this one HUH?
Have a Blessed Sunday my friend.
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Get Ready For Big Things To Happen In Your Life!
Hi Chery ,
you are welcome ,you are right Enstine did a great job,
only I forget about and now thought it would be on the time
to use it and say thanks.
You to have blessed days ahead
Thank you
What a lovely post. So good to thank people for showing that they care and for offering support. And I love the image.
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted…Do You Know Your Love Map?
Hi Dr.Erica ,
thank you for your visit and your comments.
I am glad you liked this post .
Hi Erika, thank you for the mention. Had no idea my comment was dropped? This is a good way of encouraging and keeping in touch with your comment authors. Really appreciate it. Thanks for the email as well.
vinton samms recently posted…How to Get Traffic
Hi Vinton,
yes,I think this plugin is a great Idea of Enstine Muki.
You are right it is a nice way to keep in touch, say thanks
and let the comment authors know that they are appreciated.
Thank you for visiting
Nice list of very good people. Hope to be in the list for next month. Happy Blogging!
Naman Kumar recently posted…Be Thankfull Be Healthy
Hi Naman ,
you are in the list,
just sent a Thank you
All the Best
Oaah!! This is a super strategy for making user based content & users to become HERO, I really appreciate your work from the bottom of my heart.
Mohammed recently posted…Support My School: Happy, Healthy & Active Schools
Hi Mohammed,

nice to see you here.
This is the right way to comment,reciprocate and
give thanks to the commentators. To know who is the
owner of the blog and see them is good
What about you ? Would it not be better to
show who you are on your blog? People like to know
the author
Put your name on your blog so we can see and know you
Thank you
Hi Erika so nice of you,
thank you for including me in your list!
I appreciate you!
Emi recently posted…The Top 3 Tips To Be More Productive
Hi Emi,
You are not only in this list
I am always happy to hear from you
and I too appreciate you.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erika,
thanks a lot for sharing a nice post, kind and awesome a new world!
would like to add in your next list please.
keep it up!
Hi Dianna,
I am glad you liked the post.
Enstine Muki’s Comment Author plugin
automatic stores the name of you
You will be on the list.
Thank you