Time to Discover Your True Self and Help to Create a Better World

What kind of people must we be to create a promising future?
We will need courageous people who know their True Self.  Finding the courage to become your True Self is a liberating process.

Have courage. Bring yourself back to yourself. – Yogi Bhajan 

We live in truly turbulent times. Large and small changes are the order of the day for everyone. […]

By |October 17th, 2023|2 Comments

Does your inner critic make you feel not Good Enough?

Do you have an inner critic, and do you listen to him?
Do you listen to your inner critic and feel that you are not “good enough”?

An inner critic is a bad companion. He is always ready to trick you into any complexes. When you fail, he whispers, “You see, I knew it; you are just […]

By |September 28th, 2023|4 Comments

How You Can Strengthen Your Superpower Intuition Through Meditation.

Strengthen your intuition through meditation.
You can train your intuition through meditation.
We often call Intuition gut feeling, but it is more than that.
Intuition is a process of perception or specific knowledge that happens without conscious thought. You can think of it as impulses that occur immediately and give a feeling of absolute certainty. However, this certainty […]

By |August 23rd, 2023|2 Comments

How Good Are Your Critical Thinking Skills?

What does critical thinking mean?
Critical thinking skills are not about criticizing. Criticizing is often understood as “putting down” or “nagging.” And often, criticism is rejected.

But being critical does not mean “putting down”; it comes from the Greek kinesin = to distinguish, which is the starting point of questioning and analyzing. 

Daily, some screens flash around us […]

By |July 17th, 2023|10 Comments

Words Are Powerful – Are You Aware of The Power of Words?

Words are Powerful and can create your reality.
“Your words become your world.” Nadeem Kazi
Words are powerful: Through them, we can communicate with other people. We can tell them what we think and how we feel. Words allow us to better understand our fellow human beings and the world through literature, music, or a simple conversation. […]

By |June 19th, 2023|10 Comments